Meet and Greet with mayoral candidate David Benac

Start: Wednesday, October 09, 2019 7:00 PM

End: Wednesday, October 09, 2019 8:30 PM

Please join Josh Hilgart, John Hilgart and Elizabeth Griff to meet and support David Benac, candidate for mayor of Kalamazoo, on Wednesday, October 9 beginning at 7 PM and concluding around 8:30 PM. Light refreshments will be served.

David Benac is running to bring positive reform to Kalamazoo. This is our chance to elect a mayor who is dedicated to transforming our city into a leader in the fight against climate change, a place with affordable housing for all, and a hub of opportunity for small businesses and living-wage jobs.

Come with your questions or concerns about Kalamazoo's future. #CreateTheChange

Donations are encouraged, but not required. You can make donations by clicking on the text below:

Donate today and support a more progressive Kalamazoo and a better future for all!

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