Meet us at the New York times to block climate denial at the paper of record

Start: Wednesday, September 25, 2024 9:00 AM

Location:The New York Times Building242 W. 41st St., New York, NY 10036 US

Host Contact Info:

Kevin Roberts is the President of the Heritage Foundation, which led US climate denial efforts in the US from 1997-2013.

More recently, Heritage has been famous for leading the “delay is the new denial” tactics called out by climate hawks Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and Representative Jamie Raskin at a recent hearing on the history of climate denial, delay, and damages.  

And just in the last few weeks, Kevin Roberts has been claiming credit for Project 2025 - the notorious 900-page plan developed for Donald Trump to seize power and remake America in his own image.

Project 2025 proposes gutting the Environmental Protection Agency and climate regulations; re-opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for drilling; defunding the nationwide transition to renewable energy; and eliminating environmental justice initiatives. In addition, political appointees serving under Trump “will have to eradicate climate change references from absolutely everywhere.”

Join us on September 25 to deliver the signatures to the New York Times and speak out against Heritage Foundation President and Project 2025 author Kevin Roberts.

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