Mental Health & Recovery Empowerment - Campaign Launch Event

Start: Thursday, July 14, 2022 6:00 PM

Strengthen Yourself - Strengthen Your Community

Deep, meaningful, and sustainable change does not happen on an empty tank nor in isolation.

Recharge and reconnect with renewed hope this year.

Please join community leaders, advocates, allies, helping professionals, and individuals who support mental health, well-being, and recovery, for a night of learning, networking, resource-sharing, and organizing, as we build power in Nevada and strategize together to create solutions to the issues that impact us and those we care about.

Who should attend?

  • Mental health counselors, drug and alcohol counselors, social workers, marriage and family therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and all other helping professionals,
  • Civically engaged community members,
  • Recovery and mental health peer support specialists,
  • Recovery-friendly workplace advocates,
  • First-responders,
  • Non-profit leadership and volunteers,
  • Treatment and sober living residents and housing managers and operators,
  • Community recovery organization leaders and volunteers,
  • People with lived experience with substance use disorder and/or mental health issues,
  • Family and loved ones of people with substance use disorder and/or mental health issues,
  • Faith leaders and members of faith communities, and most importantly,
  • ...Everyone and anyone who wants to feel empowered to make a difference in their personal, professional, and social lives.

Come learn from peers about how our unified voices can set the stage to help people for generations to come.

See you soon and please invite others to this amazing campaign kickoff event!

This event is free to attend and dinner will be provided, but space is limited.

Registration on this page is required.