#MeToo Comes to Toulouse (France)
Start: Sunday, January 21, 2018• 3:30 PM

On January 21, 2018, women and men around the world will mark the first anniversary of the Women’s March and to launch our collective 2018 Women’s March agenda: #PowerToThe Polls.
Last year in Toulouse we marched. This year we are organizing a #MeToo Gathering on Sunday, Jan 21st for the Women's March anniversary weekend. Men as well as women are invited. We will share our own experiences, bear witness to others and try to formulate ideas for positive change.
From the Women’s March to the Women’s Convention, we’ve seen how powerful we are when we gather together, share our experiences and support each other. Events are taking place all over the United States and abroad. Democrats Abroad Toulouse are proud to host this event in Toulouse.
Please RSVP--as space is limited. A donation will be requested--5 to 10 euros to defray costs of the space and refreshment.
Join us in Toulouse for the first anniversary of the Women's March.