Mobiliserings Workshop med David Hartsough fra World BEYOND War

Start: Thursday, June 27, 2019 7:00 PM

End: Thursday, June 27, 2019 9:00 PM

(for english scroll down)

Veien mot en tidsalder hvor ikkevoldelige løsninger på konflikt blir den nye normen.

Det er vår alles oppgave å kreve forandring når kriger igangsettes gang på gang uten annet resultat enn sysselsetting av arbeidere ved våpenfabrikkene og vekst på børsen. Folk flest ønsker ikke krig. Av opplagte grunner: krig dreper uskyldige, ødelegger familier over generasjoner, bryter ned økosystemer, samt den menneskelige moral. Krig fører til strukturelt kaos og umuliggjør viktig arbeid innen helse, utdanning, likeverd, miljø og klima kamp.

Med stor sannsynlighet finnes det flere mennesker som mener at krig burde vært henvist til historiens skraphaug enn personer som stiller seg bak ideologien for bevaring av maktposisjoner. Fremtiden er avhengig av at flere personer og organisasjoner fremstår som synlige ambassadører for omskoleringen av samfunnet.

International Kvinneliga for Fred og Frihet og det nyetablerte Antikrigs-Initiativet i Bergen har tatt initiativet til denne mobiliserings-workshopen. Dette er en mulighet for Bergen å synkronisere oss imellom med hjelp fra en av nåtidens mest aktive fredsaktivister, David Hartsough fra organisasjonen World Beyond War.

David Hartsough er forfatter av boken ‘Waging Peace: Global Adventures of a Lifelong Activist’. Han vil innlede med et foredrag men store deler av tiden vil bli brukt til en samtale mellom oss alle. Møt opp ved Kunsthall 3.14, Vågsallmenningen 12, andre etasje torsdag den 27.juni. kl 19 til 21.

Her vil vi dele våre erfaringer og være sparringspartnere i en samtale om målet, nemlig en tidsalder hvor alternative løsninger til væpnet konflikter er normen.
Vi oppfordre alle som er nysgjerrig til å møte opp.
Arrangementet er gratis og det første i en rekke arrangementer som vi håper vil inspirere og samle byens kloke omsorgsfulle hoder i alle aldre.




It is our common goal to make a change as wars, again and again, develop without any other result than keeping up the arms industry and boosting the stock exchange.
The people of the world do not want war. For obvious reasons: War kills innocent people, ruins families across generations, destroys ecological structures, and undermines human morality and dignity. War generates chaos and undermines important work within health, education, equality among people, the environment and the climate.

We can say for sure, that the majority of people in the world believe that war should be a matter of the past. Less and less support the ideology of power and wealth at every cost. Our common future needs more individuals and organisations that are ambassadors for changing the mentality and the ways of behavior in today’s world.

International Women's League for Peace and Freedom and the newly established Anti War-Initiative in Bergen are the organisers of these Workshops. And this is an opportunity for us to become inspired and guided, by one of the most active peace-activists of our time: David Hartsough from the impressive organisation World BEYOND War.

David Hartsough is the author of the book "Waging Peace: Global Adventures of a Lifelong Activist". He will make an opening speech, and then we will all engage in a discussion, with questions and answers.

We hope many will be there and take part in the discussion for a future for all humans. Entrance is free, and it will be the first in a series of arrangements we hope shall inspire and bring together the many wise and concerning minds of Bergen!

David Hartsough is executive director of Peaceworkers, based in San Francisco, and is co-founder of the Nonviolent Peaceforce. He is a Quaker and member of the San Francisco Friends Meeting. He has a BA from Howard University and an MA in International Relations from Colombia University. Hartsough has been working actively for nonviolent social change and peaceful resolution of conflicts since he met Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1956.

Over the last 50 years, he has led and been engaged in nonviolent peacemaking in the United States, Kosovo, the former Soviet Union, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Iran, Palestine, Israel, and many other countries. He was also a peace educator and organized nonviolent movements for peace and justice with the American Friends Service Committee for eighteen years.

Hartsough has been arrested more than 100 times for participating in demonstrations. He has worked in the movements for civil rights, against nuclear weapons, to end the Vietnam War, to end the wars of Iraq and Afghanistan and to prevent an attack on Iran.

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