MPACT Organizing Training (Watch at ​​)

Start: Saturday, January 14, 201710:00 AM

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Black Lives Matter- Charleston, SC hosts MPACT for Community Training (NEWARK, NJ) – The Member Policy Advocacy & Campaign Team (MPACT) launches its first Community Leadership Training of 2017 in partnership with Black Lives Matter - Charleston, SC. Lead organizers will work with grassroots activists and the greater community to build continuous opportunities for community driven processes and action. Seizing on the energy in the wake of the Michael Slager mistrial, the two groups will work together to create greater police accountability in North Charleston, SC. In addition, MPACT leaders are excited to work with Black Lives Matter as they launch a new initiative engaging high school students as leaders of the community. The goal of the day long MPACT training in N. Charleston, SC is to begin the development of local leadership teams for the purpose of holding their elected officials accountable everyday. Sign up to become an MPACT Leader now at register for the training or attend live on

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