Start: Thursday, April 05, 2018•11:30 AM
End: Thursday, April 05, 2018• 1:30 PM
Hello MDOT-SHA MPEC Unit G Member
As a part of MPEC's President, Jerry Smith, commitment to aggressively working to improve member education and engagement, all MDOT-SHA Unit G members are invited to stop by and participate in a union visit, Thursday, April 05, 2018 from 11:30a to 1:30pm. We will be set-up across for the mail room.
MPEC had a successful contract negotiations with Governor Hogan’s negotiation’s team, but the fight is not over. Negotiations for additional wages will begin in September 2018, and we must prepare, now!
· If you want higher wages, get involved!
· If you want better and fair working conditions, get involved!
· If you are not a full member, click here to get signed-up!
Did you know that MPEC negotiated an additional $500 a year tuition reimbursement benefit?
Did you know that being a full member of AFT-MPEC makes you, your spouse, and your dependent young adult child(ren) eligible for a FREE Associate Degree at Eastern Gateway Community College?
There's a lot you might not know! Please plan on stopping by MPEC's table to say, "Hi" and to learn more about what's next; to pick-up your copy of the new contract; to talk about how you can get involved and help organize your worksite, or to talk to me about workplace issues that are of concern to you.
Light refreshments and MPEC Swag will be available. Please RSVP.
Unity and Solidarity Wins!
Jacquelyn R. Raines, MA., M.Ed.
Field Coordinator, MPEC
Maryland Professional Employee Council
N. Charles St., Suite 202
443-863-7180 - Direct Line