Multi-Faith Vigil for Climate Justice

Start: Sunday, January 22, 2017 4:00 PM

End: Sunday, January 22, 2017 5:00 PM

Join us for an interfaith time of catching our breath, a time to ground ourselves in faith and community. Together, let's listen to what the Spirit -- by whatever name -- has to say and give to us. We will enlist the strengths and gifts of faith for the care and protection of the Creation, specifically in relationship to the spectre of rampant climate disruption.

Our time together (we will be indoors!) will include prayer, song, readings, and ritual, as well as an opportunity to address your convictions and concerns to public officials. This event is one of many multi-faith vigils being planned across the United States for the first 100 hours after the presidential inauguration.

This is a chance for us as people of faith to come together to the source of our faith, and to be strengthened in the struggle for justice. This vigil is an opportunity for mutual encouragement, reflection, and intercession on behalf of one another, the human community, and the entire Earth community.

If you would be interested in sharing a short prayer or reading representing your faith tradition as part of this gathering, please respond (to by Sunday, January 15, with your name and faith tradition, and we will get back to you to coordinate details.