MWA #ExtendPUA Phonebank #1

Start: 2020-12-02 14:00:00 UTC Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

This is a virtual event

We are set to receive our last PUA check on 12/27/2020. Our single biggest priority is winning an extension of PUA benefits, all 1099 workers' most important lifeline right now.

We're calling our Senators & Reps. — Democratic and Republican alike — to demand an extension of PUA benefits by the end of the year. The final bill might not have everything we want, but without PUA extension, we and 12 million other 1099 worker siblings cannot survive.

RSVP to get Zoom info the day of. We will have a short training with instructions and scripts before you will call your electeds. No experience needed — we need all music workers, allied 1099 workers, & supporters to call with us! We'll leave the Zoom open for 1 hr and be on hand to answer any questions and take feedback.


Google Drive with social media assets here

Event by
Phillip Golub
New York, United Kingdom
Additional Sponsors