My Voice. My Rights. Our Future. A Rally to Save Juliana!
Start: Sunday, April 21, 2024• 1:00 PM

THIS SUNDAY, April 21!
My Voice. My Rights. Our Future.
President Biden: Our voices will not be silenced!
Meet us on Sunday, April 21st at 1:00pm EST, at the White House to rally around 21 young Americans fighting for a livable climate future for all of us! We’ll gather on Pennsylvania Avenue at the White House, then GET LOUD! Hear from youth plaintiffs from across the nation including the landmark constitutional climate case, Juliana v. United States, the winning Held v. Montana case, Genesis v. U.S. EPA, and Layla H. v. Virginia.
Climate youth leaders, Zanagee Artis, of Zero Hour, and Jerome Foster II, of Waic Up and the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council, and Hortencia, an Indigenous elder, one of the Peoples in the Anahuac Basin in México, and spokesperson for #IProtectTheWetland, will share why the Juliana 21 must be heard at trial. This youth uprising at the nation’s capital will bring attention to the constitutional rights to a safe climate for children and future generations! This youth uprising at the nation’s capital will bring attention to the constitutional rights to a safe climate for children and future generations!
Together, we can DEMAND President Biden tell the DOJ: Send Juliana to trial! LET THE YOUTH BE HEARD!
America’s Climate Case—and a livable climate future for all of us —is on the line.
In Juliana v. United States, 21 young Americans have fought 22 attempts by 3 Presidents to have their case for a livable climate future thrown out. They’ve just made their FINAL argument to be heard in the U.S. Court of Appeals and now, it’s in Biden’s hands. We need everyone to have their backs now.
Join us as we bring our fight straight to the White House.
TELL PRESIDENT BIDEN: Break rank from Trump’s playbook and heed the calls from youth as America’s Climate President, and say unequivocally YES—we do in fact have the right to be heard in the courts for the fight for our lives.
GET LOUD with us! DEMAND the Juliana 21 be heard at trial, where they will win, and force the United States, the BIGGEST contributor to climate change in the world, to make systemic change and phase out fossil fuels.
*Please RSVP today, mobilize your friends, family, and classmates, then SHOUT IT from the rooftops to Rally to #SaveJuliana!
ON THE DAY OF: Please WEAR BLUE. Also, come a bit earlier on rally day to grab picket signs, posters, and stickers created by famed artist, David Solnit, so we are ready to start at 1pm!
Make it impossible for President Biden to ignore us. Help send Juliana v. United States to trial where youth WILL win and hold our government accountable for our fundamental rights to a safe climate!
This intergenerational event is a part of the #SaveJuliana campaign. To learn how you can help the Juliana 21, visit here.RALLY COHOSTED BY OUR PARTNERS:
350 Fairfax | 350 Hawaii | 350 MoCo | Action for the Climate Emergency | Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments | Amnesty International USA | Aytzim | Campus Climate Network | Chesapeake Climate Action Network | Children’s Environmental Health Network | Climate Defiance | Elders Climate Action | Fridays for Future DC | Friends of Buckingham | Georgetown Environmental Law Society | Interfaith Moral Action on Climate | Montgomery County Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions | Oil and Gas Action Network | People vs. Fossil Fuels | Physicians for Social Responsibility | Plastic Pollution Coalition | Progressive Democrats of America | Rachel Carson Council | Schools for Climate Action | Third Act DC | Third Act MD | Third Act NYC | Third Act VA | Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action | Witness | Zero Hour