Israel's Mass Protests: Is change afoot in Israel-Palestine?

Start: 2020-08-30 17:00:00 UTC Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London (GMT+00:00)

This is a virtual event

Thousands of protesters have been taking to the streets across Israel to demonstrate against their government. Is change afoot for Israelis and Palestinians?

For months now, protesters from all backgrounds – including anti-occupation groups – have been demonstrating in opposition to the Israeli government, its corruption and its mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic. They’re demanding political change in Israel-Palestine and saying no more to the status quo.

These demonstrations mark a new era in Israeli-Palestinian politics, although some have questioned how lasting their impact will be and whether they will benefit everyone living under Israeli rule. That’s why Na’amod is inviting you to learn more about the protests and discuss the key questions: Is change afoot in Israel-Palestine? What do the protests really mean for Israelis and Palestinians?

We’ll be hearing from Palestinians and Israelis who have been organising or observing the protests, and give you the opportunity to ask them questions yourselves:

Sally Abed is a staff member and elected leader in Standing Together, a grassroots Jewish-Arab movement in Israel campaigning for peace, equality and social justice. Sally has been an activist for over 12 years, focusing on feminist struggles and children’s rights, and is currently obtaining her Masters in Clinical Psychology with a focus on early childhood trauma.

Amjad Iraqi is an editor and writer at +972 Magazine. He is also a policy analyst at the thinktank Al-Shabaka, and was previously an advocacy coordinator at the legal center Adalah. In addition to +972, he has written for the London Review of Books, The Guardian and Le Monde Diplomatique, among others.

Sahar Vardi is the Israel Program Manager for the American Friends Service Committee based in Jerusalem, focusing on the militarisation of Israeli society. She organises with Free Jerusalem and is active in Palestinian-led struggles against house demolitions, child arrests and discrimination in East Jerusalem. She publicly refused her military service and was imprisoned in 2008.

This event is free of charge, but donations to help cover our costs are very much appreciated.

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