Naarm Heatwaves for the Holidays Action
Start: Friday, November 24, 2023• 3:00 PM
Ahead of us looms a summer of heat with millions of Australians who can't afford air conditioning, to go to the pool or who don't have access to affordable transport and community services. Young people across the country are looking for leadership and a plan that will address the crises and will take care of our communities.The Labor government doesn't have an adequate plan to protect us from the impacts of climate change so we are taking our ambition for a better world straight to Labor.
Join us at Ged Kearney's Office on Friday Nov 24th at 3pm to demand our government implements a plan that tackles the climate, housing and economic crises at the scale and speed necessary, raises the rate of income support payments and invest in climate-readiness community supports.
We'll hear from inspiring speakers and have meaningful conversations with our communities. Can't wait to see you there!