Candlelight Action Peace Wave キャンドル・アクション・ピース・ウェーブ

Start: Saturday, August 08, 2020 7:00 PM




  (最初の爆撃が投下された日時にちなんで、8月6日の朝に愛知県の犬山市でも同様のイベントが開催されます。このイベントの詳細については、原水爆禁止愛知県協議会のウェブページをご覧ください。 )

75 years ago U.S. President Harry S. Truman dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He killed hundreds of thousands of Japanese and tens of thousands of Koreans, and caused terrible pain to millions of others.

Between August 6th and 9th, there will be a “peace wave” in cities around the world. There are still Japanese and Korean survivors (hibakusha) alive today. This year may be the last chance for us to hear about what they experienced in the summer of 1945.

Here in Nagoya, on the evening of Saturday, August 8th, people will gather and do a “candlelight” vigil in front of Skyle near Sakae Station. We will hear about the effects of those 2 bombs on people’s lives, and about white supremacy and racism against Japanese and Koreans of the time.

(In the City of Inuyama on August 6th in the morning, the time of the first bombing, bells for peace will be rung at Jakkouin Temple. See the Gensuikyo webpage for more forthcoming details about that event).


World BEYOND War is a global nonviolent movement to end war and establish a just and sustainable peace. For more details, see

The place to gather is in front of Skyle (which is inside the MELSA Building), Sakae Station Exit S7b, Sakae 3-4-5, Naka-ku, Nagoya City. (Sorry about the map that is automatically generated. The map software cannot handle Japan addresses. It is seconds from Sakae Station Exit S7b).

Japan for a World BEYOND War is spearheading this event as part of the global "Peace Wave." Peace Wave (from the 6th to the 9th of August) is just one part of the many events that will take place during "Nuclear remembrance and action week" (from the 1st to the 9th). You can see a list of the various events that you can get involved in at the Abolition 2000 website.

Event by
El Cajon, Japan
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