National day of Action for Cuba
Start: 2023-03-15 11:00:00 UTC Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)
End: 2023-03-16 15:00:00 UTC Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)
This is a virtual event

National Day of Action for Cuba
Wednesday, March 15th & 16th from 11am–3pm EST
Cuba's unjustifiable inclusion on the State Sponsor of Terror (SSOT) list will not be tolerated. This is something Biden could remedy with a stroke of his pen, yet he refuses to do so. In conjunction with National DSA's International Committee and Massachusetts Peace Action, we'll be participating in a national day of action in which participants will flood White House phone lines and read a prepared script.
Participation is simple.
1. Call: White house phone lines are only open to the public on certain days and times. We are coordinating the deluge of calls to occur during the March 15th and 16th, from 11am-3pm, timeslots. Simply call 202 456-1111 during that time period on either or both days.
2. Read: Once your call is answered, simply read from the provided script here. If you call is not answered, there are instructions at the bottom of the script about how to officially make contact though or tweet at the president.
Set a reminder and be one of the thousands who calls in to make your voice heard! Together, we can make this happen and bring much needed relief to millions of Cubans.