National Day of Action, Feb 17: #Be_A_Tsunami #F17, MD

Start: Friday, February 17, 201712:00 PM

Be a Tsunami.

When water is calm it is tranquil and beautiful. Notice how small drops on it’s surface cause a ripple, slight motions cause rolling and a storm can cause huge waves of destruction.

Water is both fluid and powerful. Water can erode foundations and put out fire, it is truly the most powerful element. One drop of water evaporates but a whole ocean can cause tsunamis.

Each and every one of us matters to this cause.

Those that doubt the effectiveness need ask what the alternative is?
To do nothing and stand by.

Please be a part of the resistance, it will be noticed, it does matter.

When I ask myself in moments of doubt and exhaustion, “what’s the point, none of this will extract the cancerous government we watch growing and growing” but how very disappointed I would be in myself to look back years from now and remember that I stood by and did nothing.

The people, the citizens of united states are getting noticed. Other nations see how corrupt our leaders are but they watch the protests, marches and strikes, they notice us more and more, every day and they can say, “The government of America might be corrupt but the people are not”.

It matters to me.

The Earth might be 7,500,000,000 billion strong but we are all ONE people.

Join as ONE in the National Day of Action on February 17th!

United in solidarity we will peacefully withdraw from the US economy for 24 hours. We encourage all those at home and around the world to do the same.

#Be_A_Tsunami #Divest

#MniWiconi #NoDAPL

#F17 #NationalStrike
