New Member Recruitment Party

Start: 2020-10-29 18:30:00 UTC Pacific Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-07:00)

End: 2020-10-29 20:00:00 UTC Pacific Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-07:00)

This is a virtual event

Image of Globe on Western Hemisphere with DSA Logo of Hands Shaking in Solidarity before a Rose. The words We can build a better world together. Join DSA. #DSA100k are written on top.

Are you interested in building a better, more equitable world? Are you “socialist curious” or just plain fed up with the current choices available to you this election? DSA might be for you!

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is the largest and fastest growing socialist organization in the united states, with 72,000 members and over 200 chapters in communities and on campuses across the country and in every state. Together, we are working to build a mass movement that can stop evictions, defund the police, and win Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and so much more. We seek to organize the working class into fights against bosses, landlords, corporations, and corrupt politicians and take back power from them. Our power comes from our strength in numbers, and when we stand together we can win our transformative demands.

At this event, we’ll discuss this current political moment, the elections, the pandemic, and how we can learn from these to engage in mutual aid and build power for a socialist future in which people come before profits. You’ll also get a chance to hear from some of our caucuses and working groups to find out about the work that DSA is doing right now and how you can contribute!

Current DSA member? Bring your friends to help get them involved too!

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