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View Guidelines

Host Guidelines - Host a Dear Governor Brown Screening

Hosting an event is simple. All you need is passion for a sane energy policy, a living room, a computer, and a willingness to connect with other fellow clean energy activists. Organizers from Courage Campaign and Californians Against Fracking will contact you and guide you through each step of the process.

Review the Screening Guide for instructions on what to do before, during and after your screening:

Screening Guide

Plan to attend one of our Host Training Sessions
Session 1: Tuesday (March 1st) at 7pm
Session 2: Wednesday (March 2nd) at noon

The shorter and more descriptive, the better.
Virtual events do not require a location, but virtual events with a location will appear on the event campaign map. (Those without a location will appear in search results only.) At least a ZIP/postal code is required for map placement for virtual events.
Select the timezone in which your event will take place.
Add Banner Image (optional)

Upload an image or banner below. Your image should be 1500px wide by any height (600px is suggested). It will be scaled to a final size of 750px wide.

This is shown to people before they RSVP. Let them know what the event will be like and why they should attend.