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Host Guidelines - April Educate Congress

This month we celebrated Emancipation Day for Washington, DC and later this week will celebrate Earth Day. We are asking our Congress members to cosponsor strong climate legislation, support fairness and equality for the residents of DC, support voting rights, support a budget that funds progressive values and to oppose misguided "trade" policies that would kill American jobs and undermine our rights.

Paying a personal visit to your Member of Congress is the most effective way to show there is support (or opposition) to an issue. Will you host an event and pay a visit to your member of Congress?

American Clean Energy Investment Act (S.2391 - Sanders) to facilitate transition to clean, sustainable energy that will protect people and businesses while creating new, good jobs.

New Columbia Admissions Act (S 1688 - Carper/HR 317 - Norton) which will create the state of New Columbia for the 785,000 residents and preserve the Federal enclave as the District of Columbia.

Activists from all over the United States have joined Democracy Spring and Democracy Awakening to protest for restoring democracy. As Senators it is your job to consider Supreme Court nominees put forward by the President and hold hearings and a vote in timely fashion.

Voting Rights Advancement Act (S 1659 - Leahy/HR 2867 - Sewell) will restore the protections against voting discrimination that were struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in its Shelby County v. Holder decision, and make additional, critical updates to the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Vote no on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and all other multinational corporate / commercial agreements that would export U.S. jobs, while elevating special corporate interests to quasi-sovereign status.

The FY2017 budget must support the needs of the American people by creating jobs, avoiding financial and climate crises, training our workforce, investing in education for our young children and adults, solving our housing crisis and promoting participation in our elections. Supports The People's Budget in the House.

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