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Host Guidelines - “Honk-and-wave” to support GMO Labeling

Today, the Senate passed Vermont’s GMO labeling bill! This historic vote moves Vermont ever closer to becoming the first state to require labels on the GMO foods. The bill now heads to the House of Representatives where they will decide whether to concur with the Senate’s version of the bill, or create a conference committee to iron out the differences.

To visibly demonstrate the broad support for this bill we are calling for "honk and wave" events next Tuesday, April 22 (Earth Day) during morning "drive time" not just in Vermont but all across across the country.

We want folks like you to take some time next Tuesday morning, get some signs together and join your friends on your town’s busiest street corner (or highway overpass) and hold a good old fashioned "honk and wave" in support of GMO labeling. Please plan to snap a picture of your event and post it to the VT Right to Know Facebook page. (link)

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