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Edit Event - Solidarity Actions for Justice for Mike Brown, for Eric Garner, for Trayvon Martin, for Renisha McBride and so many more:

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Host Guidelines - Solidarity Actions for Justice for Mike Brown, for Eric Garner, for Trayvon Martin, for Renisha McBride and so many more

Groups on the ground in St. Louis are calling for nationwide solidarity actions in support of Justice for Mike Brown and the end of police and extrajudicial killings everywhere. On Saturday at 1pm -- one week after the murder of Mike Brown by a Ferguson police officer--we in St. Louis will gather at the location that Mike was shot in the Canfield Apartment buildings. We ask that you gather at the places in your community on Saturday where police and extrajudicial killings have occurred to memorialize lives that have been lost and demand justice by ending systemic violence upon communities of color.

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