Use this form to tell co-workers what to expect: Location of Unity Break, Time of Unity Break, Theme, etc.
Name your event. We're using UNITY BREAK plus location. SAMPLE: UNITY BREAK LNI HQ or UNITY BREAK DSHS Spokane. But you can be creative and use your own event name that stays with the theme: Fair Contract or Fair Pay and Real Opportunity, etc.
Next, enter the start date and time. If your event has a end time, click on "This event has an end time" to add the end time.
Use Event Location to tell co-workers where to meet (at the flagpole, in conference room, on the sidewalk, etc).
Add physical address, city, and zipcode so the map can create and share your event location.
Add a contact and email in case co-workers have questions.
Finally, you can customize your invite in the space below. Use the text we provided, add to it or replace it. It's your event!
If a pop-up asks for Event Sponsor, scroll down and use the Event Sponsor dropbox to select "AFSCME Council 28 WFSE"