NH Peace Action Acts!

Start: 2024-10-22 19:00:00 UTC Eastern Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-04:00)

This is a virtual event

Please join us for a collective action to call our Senators and ask them to sign on to Sen. Bernie Sanders Joint Resolutions of Disapproval and to restore funding to UNRWA.

Let's call our representatives to urge them to cosponsor VT Senator Bernie Sanders' 6 Joint Resolutions of Disapproval to stop the sales of specific weapons to Israel that the Biden administration had
authorized. We will then work on writing Letters to the Editor to further amplify our voices for peace.

We must speak up until we get through to our representatives!

Did you know that it only takes six calls in one day coming in to get that issue discussed in the daily staff meeting of a Congressperson or Senator? While it can feel daunting to advocate for our positions with officials who we often disagree with, we have seen that we can change
minds and policy, especially when we coordinate our efforts.

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Concord, NH