Niort - Global Day of Action for Climate Justice 6th Nov’

Start: Saturday, November 06, 202110:00 AM

Locally but in French ;)

Nous vous proposons de nous retrouver à Niort place de la Brèche samedi 06/11 à 10h pour une action symbolique, qui sera suivie d’un covoiturage massif en direction de Mauzé sur le Mignon pour poursuivre ensemble cette journée mondiale d’action pour la justice climatique.

En effet, il nous semblait important de répondre localement à l’appel* lancé par plusieurs associations ou collectifs à l’échelle internationale et de montrer notre détermination à agir maintenant pour faire face à l’urgence climatique pendant que les états se réunissent à Glasgow dans le cadre de la COP 26.

Pour participer à l’action que nous vous proposerons sur place, merci d’apporter des draps blancs ;)

Par la suite, rendez vous à 12h place du Champ de Foire, à Mauzé sur le Mignon, autour d’un banquet paysan, qui sera suivi d’une manifestation, ponctuée de temps forts et de concerts. Cet événement est organisé par les collectifs BNM 86/ 79/ Aume Couture, la LPO, les Soulèvements de la Terre et la Confédération Paysanne.

Ils nous invitent à venir vêtu.e.s de notre plus beau bleu de travail, coiffé.e.s de notre plus beau casque ou chapeau bleu, et muni.e.s de notre plus beau parapluie. Ainsi nous serons paré.e.s pour réclamer l’arrêt immédiat des chantiers de « méga-bassines ».

Ainsi après l’action symbolique du matin, nous nous mobiliserons de façon concrète pour défendre les terres, le Vivant et agir sur la question de la raréfaction de l'eau ainsi que de son accaparement par les lobbies trop souvent soutenus par l’état.

Pour celles et ceux qui ne seraient pas à Niort le matin pour se joindre au co-voiturage, le collectif BNM a mis en place un événement en ligne, à vous de publier un trajet ou de rejoindre un véhicule.

Merci d’avance de relayer toutes ces informations dans vos réseaux!

Soyons et ne nous laissons pas intimider!

Faisons du 6/11 une belle journée de mobilisation!

Join the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice!

Make sure to RSVP for updates and reminder of the Global Day of Action.

On 6 November 2021, as world leaders meet in Glasgow for the COP26 Global Climate Summit, towns and cities across the world will take to the streets demanding global climate justice.

We are living through a period of multiple breaking points - from climate to covid to racism. We know that these crises not only overlap, but share the same cause. 
While no one can escape the impacts of these crises, those who have done least to cause them suffer the most. Across the world, the poorest people and communities of colour are too often those bearing the brunt of the climate crisis. From coastal villages in Norfolk whose sea-defences are eroding faster than ever, to people living by the Niger Delta rivers blackened by oil spillage. 

The Era of Injustice is Over: Our Time is Now

Justice won’t be handed to us by world leaders or delivered by corporations. So far, governments have done too little too late: colluding with corporations and hiding behind green washed ‘solutions’ that actually don’t exist yet, that don’t address the scale of the problem, and in many cases rely on more exploitation of people and the planet.

The transformative solutions that we need to survive and build a more just and fair world can only be brought about through collective action, solidarity and coordination, from our local communities and international levels. We are bringing together movements from across the world to build power for system change - indigenous movements, frontline communities, trade unions, racial justice groups, youth strikers, landworkers, peasants, NGOs, grassroots community campaigns, feminist movements, faith groups.

Wherever you are in the world, now is the time to join the fight for climate justice. We need all hands on deck: in workplaces, communities, schools, hospitals and across national borders.

6 November: Join us one of the actions being organised across the world or organise your own so that we can be loud and clear to the world leaders discussing our future: we want climate justice now!

COP26: Why does it matter?

World leaders and experts will meet in Glasgow in November at the global climate talks, COP26. The decisions made at COP26 will shape how governments respond (or not) to the climate crisis. They will decide who is to be sacrificed, who will escape and who will make a profit. COP26 is happening at a crucial moment in history. Across the world and across movements, we are seeing a new wave of resistance, global solidarity and grassroots organising. We have a unique opportunity to rewire our system as we recover from the pandemic. We can either intensify the crisis to the point of no return, or lay the foundations for a just world where everyone’s needs are met.

No More Cooking The Books: No To Fossil Fuels, Net-zero And False Solutions!
  • Fight For 1.5
  • We Need Real Zero, Not Net Zero
  • Keep It In The Ground: No New Fossil Fuel Investments Or Infrastructure
  • Reject False Solutions: No To Carbon Markets And Risky And Unproven Technologies
Rewire The System: Start The Justice Transition Now!
  • Start The Justice Transition
Global Climate Justice: Reparations And Redistribution To The Global South!
  • Fair share of effort from all rich countries
  • Cancel the debts of Global South by all creditors
  • Grant-based climate finance for the Global South
  • Reparations for the loss and damage already happening in the Global South

Find out more about our movement and message:

Join us for the People’s Summit: 7-10th Nov: