No Confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett: Christian Theocracy + Destroying Elections = Fascism: Trump/Pence Out Now

Start: Thursday, October 22, 2020 8:00 AM

This is the day of the Senate Judiciary Committee vote to advance Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation to the full Senate. The world must see our massive opposition!


No Confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett:

Christian Theocracy + Destroying Elections = Fascism

Join's MASS Handmaid Contingent demanding Trump/Pence Out Now.

Masks required.

Don't be late! This is worth waking up early and driving hours in the dark to get to. Think about the stakes for all women, LGBTQ people, and the theft of the upcoming election. Amy Coney Barrett refused to say armed voter intimidation is illegal and refused to endorse a peaceful transfer of power. This as Trump is already stealing the election and openly says he wants to throw it to the court to decide in his favor.

Amy Coney Barrett has openly declared to law students that practicing the law should be a means to an end, and that is to serve the "Kingdom of God." This alone should be disqualifying by itself. This fight is not over until it is over.

Voting is essential but it is not enough. We must take to the streets and stay in the streets, growing in numbers, until we overwhelm the regime's attempts to hold onto power through our massive nonviolent demand: TRUMP/PENCE OUT NOW!

Through bold creative actions on Thursday - we can inspire and wake up the millions who deeply detest everything that Trump stands for. We can change the political situation, holding fast to principles of non-violence, yet determined to prevail. Our numbers, our diversity, and our heart for humanity can sustain us through whatever the Trump/Pence regime tries to do to remain in power. As we grow, we will inspire millions more to join this great struggle, until those in power, to stem the rising tide of protest, are compelled to concede to our single demand that the regime must go.

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