No Faith in Fossil Fuels - Mass Meditation at Barclays Global Financial Services Conference
Start: Monday, September 11, 2023•12:30 PM
End: Monday, September 11, 2023• 2:00 PM

Mindful Rebels are working alongside people of all faiths and none to have a peaceful presence and shared witness to the sacredness of all of life at the Barclays Global Financial Services Conference. The three-day conference is attended by C-level executives and investors representing financial institutions from both the United States and around the world. Notably, on the first day of the conference, between 12:30 PM and 2:00 PM, executives from Chase and KKR will be delivering presentations. Mindful Rebels will be urging these attendees to stop financing new fossil fuels projects worldwide. It's important to note that this is a non-arrestable action. People of all faiths, backgrounds and spiritualities are welcome to join.
About Mindful Rebels
Mindful Rebels is composed of interfaith (including secular) meditators who bring fierce compassion to nonviolent direct action. The affinity group seeks to inspire others, build connections, and bring hope. The group has been meditating every week for the past year at the headquarters of BlackRock, Citi and Chase, to help executives and employees wake up to the reality of climate breakdown exacerbated by their continued financing of fossil fuels.
Notably, these meditation sessions have been held at BlackRock's headquarters since December 2022, Citi's headquarters since May 2023, and Chase's headquarters since February 2023.