No Faith in Fossil Fuels - Mass Meditation at Citi Headquarters

Start: Tuesday, September 12, 202312:30 PM

End: Tuesday, September 12, 2023 6:30 PM

Mindful Rebels are working alongside people of all faiths and none to have a peaceful presence and shared witness to the sacredness of all of life at the Citi headquarters for half a day. It's important to note that this is a non-arrestable action.

During our time together, we will host meditative sessions every hour, engage in activities aimed at rejuvenation, and participate in sharing and listening circles and more. Even if you have little experience with meditation, we warmly encourage your involvement (including Citi employees). Feel free to come and go as you please, but the longer you stay, the more substantial our collective impact will be.

As a symbolic gesture, we invite you to bring a flower from your garden or a meaningful item, such as a found earth offering like a fallen leaf or flower, to contribute to an altar we will create as a sacred space. Additionally, you may want to consider bringing a cushion, lawn chair, or skateboard to enhance your comfort while sitting on the ground. Public benches are also available for seating.

Join us as we unite to embrace the beauty of a September day leading up to the mass march on September 17th.

About Mindful Rebels

Mindful Rebels is composed of interfaith (including secular) meditators who bring fierce compassion to nonviolent direct action. The affinity group seeks to inspire others, build connections, and bring hope. The group has been meditating every week at the headquarters of BlackRock, Citi and Chase, to help executives and employees wake up to the reality of climate breakdown exacerbated by their continued financing of fossil fuels.

Notably, these meditation sessions have been held at BlackRock's headquarters since December 2022, Citi's headquarters since May 2023, and Chase's headquarters since February 2023.

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