No Justice No Pride - DC Day of Action
Start: Saturday, June 10, 2017• 9:00 AM
End: Saturday, June 10, 2017•11:00 PM
No Justice No Pride is a collective of organizers and activists from across the District of Columbia. We exist to end the LGBT movement’s collusion with systems of oppression that further marginalize queer and trans individuals.
Capital Pride sponsors harm our communities, locally, nationally, and globally. Capital Pride “pinkwashes” harmful institutions, announcing to the world that state agencies and private companies are “LGBTQ-friendly” by draping a rainbow veil over their destructive activities. Its overwhelmingly white, cis, professional, middle-aged Board repeatedly make clear with whom their priorities lie.
No Justice No Pride is organizing a day of resistance on June 10, the same day as the Capital Pride Festival. We will have an alternative festival, various day time actions, and a night march. RSVP for all the details and updates.
Our goals are:
- Unseat and Replace Capital Pride Board with members from historically marginalized communities
- Shift power around LGBTQ+ rights from D.C.’s elite to historically marginalized communities, and allow campaigning around critical issues.
- Change the narrative that D.C.’s government and MPD are doing “right” by our communities.
- Create a community of resistance and radicalism around LGBTQ folks.
- Correct the falsehood that Pride would not be possible without corporate sponsorship and branding, and bar from participation all industries that profit from war, detention and incarceration, environmental destruction, evictions, and community displacement.