Rain Date (AGAIN!): July 10 No NBK pipeline/Gas Bill Strike discussion + Cooper Park community clean up

Start: Saturday, July 10, 202110:30 AM

End: Saturday, July 10, 2021 1:00 PM

Join Sane Energy along with our awesome friends Newtown Creek Alliance, Friends of Cooper Park, St. Nick's Alliance, Red Shed Community Garden to help clean up the area around Cooper Park. Supplies provided by Friends of Cooper Park, but bring some extra work gloves if you got 'em!

We will see the LNG facility we are fighting on the North BK pipeline route while cleaning up our community and then return to the park for a discussion circle about the campaign to stop the pipeline, and our latest effort to STRIKE our Nat Grid gas bills.

Snacks and hand sanitizer will be provided. But feel free to bring something to share if you'd like. Organizers arrive at 10

Attendees arrive by 10:30 for the community clean up

Noon for the discussion circle.

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