#NoDAPL DAY OF ACTION-Support Standing Rock Sioux Tribe!

Start: Tuesday, September 13, 2016 7:00 PM

The movement to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline is growing stronger by the day, and it’s time for all of us to rise up and play a role in this fight – no matter where we live.

Join us on Tuesday, September 13 for a solidarity action and rally at Kwagulth Totem Pole at 3510 N. Recreation Drive (@ Addison St. just east of Lake Shore Drive and south of Recreational Drive) at 7pm calling on President Obama to instruct the Army Corps of Engineers to revoke the permits for this dirty oil pipeline. We will also hold a water ceremony in honor of our planet and our water supply.

By gathering at the Kwagulth Totem Pole--the base totem is a Sea Monster showing its teeth, the middle totem is a warrior riding a Whale holding an arrow outward, the top totem is the Thunderbird--we hope to call attention to the brave water and land protectors at Standing Rock and encourage everyone, including the US Army Corp and our US Government to make a statement in solidarity to protect water and land and/or reconsider their stake in this project.

Let us know you're coming -- sign up on this page to receive action updates.

Please bring art and banners, peaceful intentions, big hearts and solidarity! We ALL STAND TOGETHER! -- and be sure to share on social media with #NoDAPL. Some sample messages for art include:

  • People over Pipelines

  • #NoDAPL

  • In Solidarity with Standing Rock

  • Obama: Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline