Start: Saturday, July 20, 2019 2:00 PM

End: Saturday, July 20, 2019 4:00 PM

Why is our planet warming so fast? Why do scientists say we have only 11 years to prevent climate change catastrophe? What action can we all take to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions? The planet is in ecological crisis: we are in the midst of the Sixth Mass Extinction event this planet has experienced. Scientists believe we may have entered a period of abrupt climate breakdown. This is an emergency. At this public talk, Bill from Extinction Rebellion NYC will share the latest climate science on where our planet is heading, discuss some of the current psychology around climate change, and offer solutions through the study of social movements.

"I studied math, physics and law and became a community organizer for SEIU and Building One America. A career shift led me in to the startup industry, but recently I felt called back into public life as I considered the importance of leaving a livable planet for my children."

Join us — whether you're a fellow rebel, a wannabe rebel, or you simply want to find out more. At this meeting you will learn about what you can do as an individual or a family to help yourself feel better about the current crisis, and help the world. You will learn how to cope with climate grief in the changing landscapes of the environmental breakdown. And will be able to find out more about how big an impact, we can all have, if we all come together. Please, come along, and sit down; Let's learn about this together, as a community.

Take this opportunity to learn and connect. Neighborhood affinity groups are currently forming.

Open to the Public, wheelchair accessible & air conditioned.

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