Nottinghamshire Compass Barnstorm: Win As One in Rushcliffe

Start: Wednesday, June 19, 2024 6:30 PM

Rushcliffe was one of 62 Progressive Tragedies in the 2019 General Election - a constituency where a majority of voters supported progressives, but because we were divided, the Tories won.

The common foe here is our rotten voting system, which pits progressives against one another and promotes a confrontational, short-termist politics. To deliver a progressive future, it won't be enough to defeat the Tories - we have to change the system.

That's why Compass, through the Win As One campaign, is working to get progressives elected who are explicitly committed to championing Proportional Representation in the next Parliament.

In Rushcliffe, Nottinghamshire Compass is supporting Labour's James Naish, who has pledged to be a champion for Proportional Representation.

But it's not enough to just hope. We have to take action now. To find out how to get involved in our campaign to change the government and the system, join us in Ruddington at 6:30pm on Wednesday 19th June for a special general election barnstorm. Arrival from 6:00pm.

A barnstorm is an energetic, action-focused political meeting. We'll come together, assess the enormous opportunities for progressive change in Rushcliffe and resolve to take action over the coming weeks.

Register for the barnstorm on this page. Spaces are limited, so RSVP is essential.

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