NYC DSA Tech Action General Meeting

Start: Wednesday, October 26, 2022 7:00 PM

Tech Action Logo

Join the New York City Democratic Socialists of America's Tech Action Working Group at DSA's new office space for an in person meeting starting at 7pm.  

We'll be discussing the ongoing deflation of the tech bubble and what that might mean for us as tech workers and socialists.  Does it matter? What's different this time around compared to the dot-com era crash? What threats and opportunities does this deflation present?

Here are some optional background reading materials on recent events to help familiarize you with the topic of discussion:

  1. Axios:
  2. Bloomberg/Yahoo:
  3. CNBC:
  4. Jacobin:

Admittedly most of these articles are from the financial press so it'll be up to you to bring the sharp left analysis to the discussion.

We'll also be providing updates on the latest developments in the Internet for All campaign, and providing opportunities for you to get plugged in.

Hope to see you there!

Tech Action Organizing Committee

Alan, Andrew, Julie, Kevin & Will