#NYC1u: Building a Digital Advocacy Strategy for Real-World Results

Start: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 3:00 PM

Online/digital tools offer advocates powerful opportunities to build support, raise money and affect policy, but only if they use them right. Otherwise, they can simply waste precious time.

How can organizations craft practical strategies to put the internet to work to create change in the real world, based on their own needs, goals and resources? This discussion will walk you through that process, helping you choose the right tools and techniques on which to focus based on your own organizational skills, culture and capacities.

Whether your campaign focuses on the grassroots or on high-level policy wonkery, you’ll learn how to match your needs with the tools and tactics available today. The goal: using the virtual world to create real change.

Colin Delany will lead this session:

This session is made possible by AFL-CIO; New York Paid Leave Coalition; Organizing 2.0; New York State AFL-CIO; New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO; Consortium for Worker Education