10/5 Labor Walk to Win a CWA Member in NYS Senate and a Pro-Worker Congress!

Start: Saturday, October 05, 202410:00 AM

Location:NY22522 Liberty Street, Syracuse, NY 13204 US

Host Contact Info: cwad1@cwa-union.org

CWA for Chris Ryan for State Senate

Starting location and time are tentative! We'll send out exact location and time info before October 5th.

This year we have a chance to send a CWA leader, Local 1123 President Chris Ryan, to Albany to represent us in the New York State Senate! This will be a VERY close race - in 2022, the election was decided by just TEN votes!! So we need all hands on deck to knock on every single door we can and speak to as many voters as possible about why we need a union member in the State Senate to truly represent US!

We'll also be talking to voters about labor leader John Mannion for Congress, because the road to a pro-worker Congress runs straight through New York, and John Mannion is the worker champion we need fighting for us in Washington.