Rally for Fair Maps and Fair Elections
Start: Thursday, April 28, 2022•11:30 AM

OHIO VOTED FOR FAIR MAPS—and we want those Fair Maps NOW
Join our rally to DEMAND the Ohio Redistricting Commission get back to work and adopt the maps created by the independent, bipartisan mappers. After hearing from Fair Districts supporters about why they demand Fair Maps and Fair Elections, we will DELIVER our sign on letter to the Commissioners at the Riffe Center, the Secretary of State and Auditor's offices, and the Ohio Statehouse. Lastly, we will fill the Map Room at the statehouse and show that Ohioans from all across the state are united in their demand for Fair Maps.
>>> Make sure to sign our sign on letter and say why you support Fair Maps! bit.ly/OHFairMaps
Gather at 11:30am. The rally will kick off at noon!
This rally is jointly sponsored by Fair Districts Ohio and Equal Districts. Bring your signs, wear your shirts and buttons, and bring a carload of friends. We want the Commissioners to feel the pressure from the crowd.
Email your questions to fairdistrictsohio2021@gmail.com.