Orcas Island Stands with Standing Rock

Start: Tuesday, September 13, 2016 5:00 PM

The movement to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline is growing stronger by the day, and it’s time for all of us to rise up and play a role in this fight – no matter where we live.

Join us on Tuesday, September 13 for a solidarity action and rally at IsleWork at 5:00-6:30 PM calling on President Obama to instruct the Army Corps of Engineers to revoke the permits for this dirty oil pipeline.

By gathering at IsleWork, 9 Hope Lane, Eastsound, we hope to call attention to the brave water and land protectors at Standing Rock and encourage the Army Corps of Engineers to make a statement in solidarity or reconsider their stake in this project.

We are planning to Facebook LIVE with our Orcas Island Bus Warriors, Ian, Kyler & Company at 5:30 PM PDT.  

Let us know you're coming -- sign up on this page to receive action updates.

Please bring art and banners -- and be sure to share on social media with #NoDAPL. Some sample messages for art include:

  • People over Pipelines

  • #NoDAPL

  • In Solidarity with Standing Rock

  • Obama: Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline