ORHoCo Overpass - Election Week

Start: Tuesday, October 27, 2020 4:00 PM

End: Monday, November 02, 2020 5:00 PM

We at ORHoCo (along with friends from other organizations) have been active at the “overpass” on Gorman Road where it crosses I-95, since the early summer. We reach many thousands of voter/commuters each day we are there.

Our actions focus on the messages we have on large banners (for both northbound and southbound traffic): "Stop Trump - Save America," "Defend Democracy," and the very simple and large, “VOTE”!

In the week before Election Day (Tuesday Oct 27 to Monday Nov 2) we will be at the overpass DAILY 4:00-5:00pm .

We practice social distancing, and we wear masks! If you just want to drop by for 20-30 minutes, you needn't sign up in advance.

NOTE: In case of a contested election, we may start these up again, starting on 4 November. Stand by!

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