Our Revolution Prince George's County - Community Meeting
Start: Sunday, October 29, 2017• 3:00 PM
End: Sunday, October 29, 2017• 5:00 PM
At our last general meeting, we prioritized issues we would like to work on. At the top of that list, was the need for a public financing program in Prince George's County similar to those in Montgomery and Howard Counties.
Since then many of you have signed a petition to the council asking them to support and legislate such a program and attended a fantastic town hall panel discussion in College Park with Congresswoman Donna Edwards, Fair Elections Champion Phil Andrews and County Council Member Mary Lehman. If you missed that town hall, we will have the video footage up shortly.
The path to a Small Donor Funded Elections program in Prince George's is straightforward: legislation supported by a majority of the county council and signed by the executive. Such straightforward legislation would not be so difficult if we had the right people in office. The 2018 elections offer us the opportunity to push this issue forward and we should take advantage of that.
So join us with your ideas and your energy for an Our Revolution afternoon!
We will be joined by Delegate Joseline Peña-Melnyk who will speak on what it took for her to run, first for Delegate and then for Congress, and by Jennifer Linn, Hyattsville resident and Every Voice staffer, who will speak on the impact of Small Donor programs nationwide.
And then we will put our heads together and come up with the best ideas on how to move forward.
At our last meeting, we also prioritized the progressive Summer for Progress Bills in Congress and Taking Over the Prince George's Central Committee. We will provide reports on the status of those initiatives and discuss next steps.
Finally, please join our steering committee. We will have a list of tasks at the meeting, so you can match our needs to your interests and skills and your time. Our Revolution Prince George's will be what you make of it.
In Solidarity,
Our Revolution Prince George's County