Own Your Power - say NO to another utility rate increase!

Start: Monday, August 12, 2024 9:00 AM

End: Monday, August 12, 202411:00 AM

Monday, August 12 at 9 AM, we are coming together for an important cause. We need YOU to help us make a big impact at the upcoming Public Utilities Commission’s hearing because they are proposing to raise the utility rates of Northern Nevada residents.

The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) decides if our power bills go up or stay the same and we have to show up and demand they stop raising our rates! NVEnergy is owned by rich shareholders who don't even live here.

It's time for us, the people of Nevada, to take control of our power! ? Let's show the PUC that we won’t let our hard-earned money fill the pockets of greedy out-of-state shareholders.

Together, we can keep our energy affordable and fair.