OWR - La Crosse Chapter Meeting 5/16/17
Start: Tuesday, May 16, 2017• 7:00 PM
End: Tuesday, May 16, 2017• 8:15 PM

At our last meeting, we talked Fair Maps, Money in Politics, and Clean Energy. And we took the issues we care about and turned them into vision statements. What do we want Wisconsin to look like?
We want a Wisconsin served by a fair, transparent, political system.
That is livable and sustainable for all.
One that values integrity and diversity, in which OUR voices are most important.
We want a Wisconsin of, by, and for the people!
We are a nonpartisan, member-driven group working to put people who share these values into political office at ALL levels of government and help them make change.
Now we strategize on how to get there! Please join us for our next meeting. And bring friends!