PA-PPC May Educational about Grants Pass v. Johnson

Start: 2024-05-29 19:00:00 UTC Eastern Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-04:00)

This is a virtual event

PA-PPC May Educational about Grants Pass v. Johnson

Join the PA Poor People’s Campaign for an education and call-to-action in which we will:

  • Break down what this case is all about

  • Share current projects across the state of Pennsylvania that are organizing around housing and homelessness, with partners in ACT UP Philly and the PA Homeless Union

  • Share calls to action that people can take across the state

  • Draw connections among different fronts of struggle and what we can learn from this case and organizing together against homelessness

Join us on Zoom, Wednesday May 29th, 7-8pm (est) to unite across the state because “we’re urban, we’re rural, we’re working class. When we get organized, this system won’t last!”