Paint the Streets Australia Planning Meeting

Start: Thursday, April 30, 2020 5:00 PM

This is a planning meeting building on from last week's visioning meeting. All XR Rebels in Australia are welcome. We will have brief updates then divide into working groups.

Zoom link:

Sydney / Melbourne / Brisbane: 5pm - 6pm
Adelaide: 4:30 - 5:30pm
Perth: 3pm - 4pm

Australian rebels!

We’re in lockdown and the world is changing. With the current public health risks and increased police powers, it’s risky to be out in the streets but when the time is right, we’ll burst forth and Paint the Streets. Until then, cut yourself a gorgeous set of stencils and roll out some posters for post-lockdown, or bring some colour to your local streets in a small but meaningful (and safe) way.


View the Paint the Streets Australia Guide for more information: CLICK HERE

Paint the Streets Vision

Last week during our visioning meeting we came up with this vision, the goal of our Paint the Streets project:

  • We’ll inspire rebels across the country  to put out powerful and loving messages throughout the community, providing resources to make it as easy as possible for anyone to join in on Paint the Streets.

  • The message is big, bold and colourful .

  • The message conveys urgency and encourages people to join the rebellion.  We want to continue building the rebellion through the pandemic.

  • We build on XR messages that are already strong,  like ‘We are all in this together’, ‘Tell the truth and act as though that truth I real’.

  • We disrupt the business-as-usual mindset, ‘Another world is possible’.

  • We build the ‘story of we’  – that we can work together and provide mutual aid – and undermine the ‘story of I’ – that we are selfish, greedy, competitive and prone to climb over others to get ahead, make more money, buy more stuff.

  • We find ways to convey that this is what emergency mode looks like  – that we can work together to make big changes fast when we are facing a life and death threat.

  • We help promote messages from the broader climate movement,  like ‘Build back better’, ‘We need a People’s Recovery Plan’, ‘We don’t want to go back to normal, normal is the problem’.

  • Our message is loving and empathic, but edgy.  We dare to say what others dare not.

  • Our visibility helps  creates and maintain a  strong sense of XR community , providing love and support for rebels

  • Our visibility also   maximises our power to influence , helping increase the chance of good outcomes from the pandemic emergency and reducing the chance of bad outcomes (disaster capitalism etc).

  • XR is everywhere  – chalking, posters, house signs, subvertising and online.

  • Our visibility   reassures others who are worried about the climate and ecological emergency  that XR is not slacking off.

  • Our messages are family friendly and some may use humour . We don’t want to offend families with children who are using a bike path or visiting a supermarket.


Event by
Birchgrove, France
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