Palestine and Socialism Study Group

Start: Thursday, August 29, 2024 7:30 PM

End: Thursday, August 29, 2024 9:30 PM

Looking to learn more about the history of the Palestinian liberation struggle with like-minded comrades? Been skeptical about whether socialist theory has anything to offer to the movement? Come join the DSA SF's Palestine Solidarity and Anti-Imperialist Working Group where we attempt to work through these questions and more.

This event will be the 1st of 3 sessions in this series and we will start off by reading excerpts from Rashid Khalidi's The Hundred Years' War on Palestine as well as from Palestine: A Socialist Introduction. The idea is to ground ourselves in historical realities that we will then interpret later in this series using socialist theoretical frameworks laid out in Lenin's Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism and The Right of Nations to Self Determination

If you will be joining virtually, please use this link:

We shall be reading the following excerpts from two texts:

1. Palestine: A Socialist Introduction, Chapter 1 - Roots of the Nakba (p. 18-25)

Place particular emphasis on these sections:

  • What is Zionism? (p. 18-19)
  • The roots of modern-day Zionism (p. 19-20)
  • Zionism and imperialism (p. 21-22)
  • "The iron wall of English bayonets" (p. 22-23)
  • "I would not accept Arabs in my trade union" (p. 23-24)
  • "The iron wall of Jewish bayonets" (p. 24-25)

2. The Hundred Years' War on Palestine

  • pp. 34 - 47: League of Nations Mandate, formation of Jewish agency, demographic shifts in 1930s, Arab revolt.
  • pp. 70 - 80: Aftermath of Nakba. How and why America became involved in the conflict.

Further reading:

  • The rest of Chapter 1 from Palestine: A Social Introduction
  • From The Hundred Years' War on Palestine:
    • pp. 24 - 25: Balfour Declaration (statement + explanation)
    • pp. 58 - 62: This section helps reinforce
    • pp. 70 - 80. Talks about aftermath of Nakba and America's replacement of Britain as dominant external power.
    • pp. 90 - 95: Suez crisis, how it can be seen as an aftershock of 1948, and how the displacement of Palestinians has destabilized much of the Middle East.
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San Francisco, California
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