Part One: Environmental Justice Through A Racial Equity Lens Simulation

Start: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 11:00 PM GMT

End: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 at 12:00 AM GMT

This is a virtual event

Join our West MI Social/ Environmental Justice Network's 8-part course on racial equity and environmental justice!

Some details about how the course will work: This course will be moderated by our organizational coordinator, myself. We will be posting the videos and content of the course, then hosting a discussion group at the end of each week, so that if you’d like to participate by viewing that week’s content, you can then attend the meeting to discuss. Please note that these meetings will likely be zoom meetings, so that those without internet access are able to also call in. There will also be accessibility features if you are in need of them, including subtitles.

PART ONE: We will be doing a simulation called the 'Environmental Justice Through A Racial Equity Lens' simulation. The stories woven throughout this situation and how it leads us into deeper understandings of the socio-economic, health and environmental disparities affecting communities of color are profound. You will have the opportunity to be a 'player' in the simulation and experience this for yourself, and then share your thoughts during the discussion afterwards.

I want to be clear- as a person of privilege organizing this, my goal is NEVER to center my own experience… what I have inside me is not central to changing the world. What I have inside me are tools I can use to uplift those whose liberation is necessary to birth a radical, visionary blueprint of Love for world change. For me, my biggest tool is my passion for organizing, storytelling, and creating inclusive, culturally competent and empowering spaces for people to share their stories so we can learn of the needs our fellow humans are experiencing and, if we are a position of privilege, not centralize our own experience, but uplift the voices of those we are fighting for. We are excited to be lining up amazing speakers who will speak to these needs later on throughout the course. Other session topics include but are not limited to: public health, social and environmental policy, generational trauma (through economic disadvantage, lack of reactive, strategic and essential diversity, lack of representation and visibility, and discrimination) creating culturally competent spaces for processing and sharing narratives, political action on environmental racism, and more!

Click below to register for part one of this course; we hope to see you there!