Party for Fred's 10-Year HRCSF Anniversary

Start: Thursday, September 28, 2023 5:30 PM

End: Thursday, September 28, 2023 8:00 PM

Fred's 10-year HRCSF Anniversary Party! A Housing Rights Happy Hour! Date: September 28, 2023. Time: 5:30pm. Place, El Rio, 3158 Mission St., SF

Our Executive Director, Fred Sherburn-Zimmer, is about to hit her 10-year anniversary at HRCSF, and we want to celebrate this milestone with all of you!

Fred started out as a volunteer organizer, and helped spearhead Eviction Free SF, where tenants came together to fight evictions that had no hope of winning in court—but could and DID win in the streets! From there, she became HRCSF's fifth employee and first organizer in 2013.

When Fred was recruited to take over as director, she prioritized building an organizing team that equipped to lead campaigns in neighborhood, corporate, and subsidized housing—as well as mentoring leaders all over the city in looking at the housing movement from a strategic organizing lens.

As you may have heard, the Mayor and developer-backed leadership in City government have been trying to cut funding to HRC and the other radical organizations trying to hold the City accountable for SF's housing crisis. That’s why we as colleagues, friends, and comrades of Fred decided to take this anniversary as an opportunity to fundraise for the kind of political work we believe in most: building tenant power!

The post-pandemic wave of evictions we were afraid of is now here, and tenants need organizing support more than ever. To meet that need, HRCSF and Fred need your support to continue their work organizing tenants in the Mission, organizing against black displacement across the city, and keeping Veritas and other corporate landlords in San Francisco in check.

Two ways you can show your support of this groundbreaking work:

  1. Come to the party at El Rio on 9/28, 5:30pm-8:00pm! This will be a chance for old and new friends to meet, mingle, hit the dance floor, celebrate Fred's past 10 years of tenant organizing, and help her and HRCSF continue building the tenant movement for the next decade and beyond! Music programming will feature a live DJ set and performance by the Brass Liberation Orchestra. Vietnamese food from Tu Lan will be provided, with drinks available for purchase from El Rio (NOTE: El Rio is a bar, so this event is age 21+ only.)
  2. Be a sponsor: No amount is too high or too low! If you are a renter and/or short on cash, you can sponsor at $50 and help other renters fight to keep their homes. If you are a homeowner, consider giving between $100, or $500+ to help keep your neighbors and friends in their homes. You can donate at the event or beforehand using this link! This is also a great option for those who are unable to attend to still participate.
Ground level entrance. La entrada está en la planta baja. 入口在地面。
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