PATH United: Strong Schools, Affordable Homes Fall Accountability Assembly

Start: Thursday, September 29, 2016 7:00 PM

This winter PATH leaders listened to over 1,400 parents, students, educators and community members. We heard that we have major challenges to address in our schools, so together we created a progressive, nonpartisan agenda focused on community needs and hopes. Now we are demanding a response!

Join hundreds of PATH leaders on September 29 as we hear from the candidates for school board as they respond to the PATH United Agenda.

PATH United: Strong Schools, Affordable Homes means:
- Less Standardized Testing!
- Better access to Special Education training and services!
- Smaller Class Sizes!
- Stronger diversity and anti-discrimination policies!
- Healthier food!
- Improved access to after school programs!

A full spectrum of affordable housing for downtown Columbia!

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