Patterson Canvass

Start: Sunday, July 15, 2018 4:00 PM

End: Sunday, July 15, 2018 8:00 PM

Join us to knock on doors in CA-10!

If you haven’t heard of it, Swing Left is a national grassroots network that helps people take action in their closest Congressional Swing District. The goal is simple: Swing the House in the 2018 midterm elections and put a check on the Trump agenda.

It's okay if you've never done this before, we will have a training at 4 pm and then go out in pairs to talk with residents about the issues that matter to them.

BRING: a water bottle, a smartphone or tablet with the PDI Mobile Connect app downloaded, a pen, sunscreen, a hat, comfortable clothing and shoes for walking, and a great attitude. Other materials will be provided.

TO PREPARE: Download the app PDI Mobile Connect and we will provide login info upon arrival.

You may get a call and/or email from someone on our team to see if you have additional questions or need help with the app.

Do you want to carpool?

If you will have extra room in your car, we encourage you to offer rides to other canvassers. If you need a ride, please sign up ASAP.  You can offer and seek rides here:

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Claremont, California
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