DNC Delegates Uniting for Peace

Start: 2020-08-16 15:00:00 UTC Central Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

This is a virtual event

At 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 16 - the day before the 2020 DNC will commence - Biden and Sanders delegates from Wisconsin and local peace activists will assemble at the Peace Billboard in Milwaukee, which is part of a global campaign led by World Beyond War. The Peace Billboard has a simple but powerful message: "3% of U.S. Military Spending Could End Starvation on Earth."

The delegates are calling on Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders to join them, either in person or virtually, and publicly commit to enacting a more principled foreign policy that prioritizes diplomacy and multilateralism over militarism and cuts the bloated Pentagon budget.

The Peace Billboard is located on the southeast corner of West Wells and James Lovell (7th) Streets, just one block from the Wisconsin Center, where the in-person DNC events will be taking place.

Mistress of Ceremonies

- Noel Ray-Ortega | WI-CD4 Sanders Delegate


- Congresswoman Gwen Moore | WI-CD4 Biden Delegate

- Chris Walton | WI-CD4 Biden Delegate and Chair of Democratic Party of Milwaukee County

- Sachin Chheda | Former Chair of Democratic Party of Milwaukee County

- Steven Shea | Milwaukee County Supervisor for District 8

- Congresswoman Barbara Lee

- Representative David Bowen | Sanders Delegate

- David Swanson | World Beyond War

- Steve Watrous | United Nations Associations of Greater Milwaukee

- Mark Foreman | Former President of Vets for Peace, Milwaukee Chapter

- Pam Richard | Peace Action Wisconsin

- Tommy Molina | WI-CD4 Sanders Delegate

- Laura Valderrama | Wisconsin for Bernie, WI-CD2 Sanders Delegate

This event will be live-streamed via Wisconsin for Bernie's facebook page at 3:00pm on Sunday, August 16.

Event by
Wisconsin for  Bernie
Madison, Wisconsin