Peace & Justice Conversations: Working for Peace After the Elections

Start: 2024-11-18 19:00:00 UTC Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

This is a virtual event

Working for Peace After the Elections

No matter what happens with the November elections, the peace movement will have a lot of organizing to do. Kevin Martin, President of Peace Action and the Peace Action Education Fund, will join us with a post-election analysis to discuss our work for peace moving forward given the situation that is unfolding.

Kevin plans to talk with us about the urgent and timely work on Gaza, and the impressive grassroots organizing going on across the country and about the larger peace/disarmament agenda. Then, he will focus on the idea of building "Blue Oases:" resilient communities to protect the most vulnerable that will face MAGA attacks. Let's find ways to Undespair, and then Empower, the People!

Kevin Martin joined the Peace Action staff on Sept 4, 2001. Kevin previously served as Director of Project Abolition, a national organizing effort for nuclear disarmament, after ten years in Chicago as Executive Director of Illinois Peace Action. Prior to his decade-long stint in Chicago, Kevin directed the community outreach canvass for Peace Action (then called Sane/Freeze) in Washington, D.C. Kevin has traveled abroad representing Peace Action and the U.S. peace movement on delegations and at conferences in Russia, Japan, China, Mexico, Britain, Germany and France. He is currently convening a national CeaseFire Now Grassroots Network focused on ending the genocide in Gaza.

About NHPA’s bi-weekly Zoom Peace & Justice Conversation Series: 2020’s upheavals brought us to a new moment of reckoning and possibility. How do we want to live in the world? What do we value? How can we make the changes we’ve been yearning for? NH Peace Action has been engaged in working for change for decades. We’d like to bring you into these conversations about issues and options for the future.  There is no charge to attend, but your contributions in any amount are greatly appreciated.

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