People Powered Campaigns: Democracy is in YOUR Hands

Start: Saturday, April 06, 2024 9:30 AM

End: Sunday, April 07, 2024 5:00 PM

Join candidates and leaders from across Indiana as we collectively share our best strategies, tactics, skills, and ideas for electoral victory.

We will provide coffee, lunch, and lodging for out-of-town guests staying for both days of the training. We are not fundraising at this training - our hope is that if you're moved to donate, you do so to one or more of the great candidates we are supporting.

Here is our tentative agenda - please use the sign-up form to indicate if you have training requests you don't see on the form.

We will have multiple "tracks" so if you're only interested in canvassing and don't care about fundraising, or vice versa, you can spend both days focused on only your interests.

Saturday 10-5

  • 9:30-10: arrival and coffee

  • 10-11: Intro and grounding

  • 11-12:30: 1:1s and organizing conversations with practice

  • 12:30-1:15: Lunch

  • 1:15-4:45: separate tracks

    • Track 1: Field

    • Track 2: Fundraising

    • Track 3: Campaign Management

  • 4:45-5: Closing and plan for tomorrow

Sunday 10-4

  • 9:30-10: Arrival and coffee

  • 10-12: Tracks

  • 12-12:45: lunch

  • 12:45-3:30: Tracks

  • 3:30-4: Closing and next steps

Track 1 - field

Overall notes - mostly focused on DVC (Direct Voter Contact) and core skills in field, some in volunteer recruitment and management, very little on overall field strategy and management. Should be able to hold an excellent voter conversation and train/coach a beginner on doing the same.

  • What is DVC? (1:15-2:00pm)

    • Why do we do it

    • Basic methods - doors, calls, text, relational

    • How does it fit into overall campaign strategy, why is it important

    • Building to GOTV!

  • How do we do DVC (2:00-2:45pm)

    • Core tools of persuasion

    • Technical tools - VAN/MiniVAN, texting platforms, phonebanking platforms

  • Break (2:45pm-3:00pm)

  • Practice practice practice! (3pm-4:45pm)


  • Volunteers (10-12pm)

    • Why we need a volunteer program

    • Recruiting volunteers

    • Training volunteers

  • Lunch (12-12:45pm)

  • Practice practice practice! (12:45-3:30)

    • Practice recruitment conversations, trainings, relational convos, and DVC convos

Track 2 - fundraising

Participants should understand the role and importance of fundraising and the components of a fundraising program. They should be able to hold an excellent fundraising conversation and coach/manage a candidate to do the same.

  • Intro to fundraising (1:15-2pm)

    • Why do we fundraise?

    • How much do we need to raise?

    • How do we raise money?

  • Budgeting (2-2:45pm)

    • Setting your goals and timeline - activity

  • Break (2:45-3pm)

  • Raising money (3-4pm)

    • Building a list - activity

    • Managing outreach - activity

    • Accepting donations

    • Following up

  • Practice (4-4:45pm)


  • Fundraising conversations - practice practice practice! (10-12pm)

  • Lunch (12-12:45pm)

  • Managing call time / a fundraising operation (12:45-2:30pm)

    • Spreadsheets and tools

    • Managing a candidate

      • Keeping them focused

      • Keeping it fun(ish)

  • Break (2:30pm-2:45pm)

  • Practice / Q&A (2:45-3:30pm)

Track 3 - campaign leadership

  • Campaign exercise game (1:15-2pm)

  • Overview of campaign strategy and goal-setting (2-2:45pm)

    • Budget and fundraising

    • Field goals and planning

    • Messaging and paid media

    • Staffing and management

  • Break (2:45-3pm)

  • Core message and paid media (3-4pm) - Charrie?

    • Drafting your core message - activity (what comes after the comma, core issues, etc)

  • Budget and fundraising (4-4:45pm)

    • Making your budget - activity


  • Field goals and managing a field plan (10-11am)

    • Making your field plan - activity

  • How to manage your boss (11-12pm)

    • What’s unique about the candidate relationship

  • Lunch (12-12:45pm)

  • Staffing and management (12:45-3:30pm)

    • Hiring

    • Setting a workplace culture

    • How to manage direct reports

      • 1:1s, team meetings

      • Goal-setting

      • Giving feedback

Event by
Jesse Brown
Indianapolis, Indiana
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